CV guidelines on award of contract on nomination basis

When it comes to awarding contracts, governments and public sector organizations have specific guidelines in place to ensure transparency and fairness in the process. One such guideline is the contract award on nomination basis, which is governed by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines.

What is meant by contract award on nomination basis?

The contract award on a nomination basis refers to the process of awarding a contract to a particular vendor or contractor without inviting competitive bids from other parties. This can only be done under specific circumstances, such as in cases of urgency or in situations where only a particular vendor or contractor can provide the required goods or services.

What are the CVC guidelines on contract award on nomination basis?

The CVC guidelines on contract award on nomination basis are based on the principles of transparency, fairness, and accountability. The guidelines require that all contract awards on a nomination basis must be approved by a competent authority, and that the decision to award the contract on a nomination basis must be supported by proper justification and documentation.

The CVC guidelines also specify that the selection of a vendor or contractor for a contract award on nomination basis must be made based on their technical competence and financial capacity, as well as their track record of delivering similar goods or services. The guidelines also require that the selected vendor or contractor must be willing to accept the terms and conditions of the contract.

What are the benefits of contract award on nomination basis?

The contract award on nomination basis can be beneficial in situations where time is of the essence or where only a particular vendor or contractor can provide the required goods or services. For instance, in the case of emergency repairs following a natural disaster, it may not be feasible to invite competitive bids, and a contract award on nomination basis may be necessary to ensure timely completion of the repair work.

Another benefit of contract award on nomination basis is that it can help reduce administrative costs and streamline the procurement process. By bypassing the need for competitive bidding, organizations can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on preparing and evaluating bids.


While contract award on a nomination basis can be a useful tool for governments and public sector organizations, it is important that the process is transparent, fair, and accountable. The CVC guidelines provide a framework for ensuring that the process is conducted in a manner that is consistent with these principles. As copy editors, it is our responsibility to ensure that any content related to these guidelines is accurate and reflects the proper context and meaning.